
Kort utdrag ur brev av Dr. Mohammad Sadik, University of Salahaddin

As you are aware the need for this school arose after the return of many Kurdish families from the west. Education in Kurdistan need to be reformed including the curriculum and the method of teaching. For that I have researched a lot and looked at different education systems of the world and found out that the Swedish Education is the most appropriate one. The school will be private and run by an Education Board chosen from parents and stakeholders. Swedish children of Kurdish descent will benefit a lot from the school provision.


Kurdistan: ett fredligt mirakel att återvända till, att bygga och bevara

Hur många av er som läser min blogg drömmer inte om att återvända!
Men när man har familj är det inget lättvindigt beslut utan något att noga överväga. Hur blir det där borta?
Migrationsforskning talar ofta om de sk. ”push and pull factors” som avgör om en flyttning ska äga rum. Om vi bortser från de faktorer som stöter ut migranterna ur det svenska samhället och istället fokuserar oss på det som drar dem till, i detta fall, Kurdistan så är bilden tämligen entydig: Vid samtal med kurder som överväger att flytta tillbaka till Kurdistan är det främst fem faktorer som de ser som betydelsefulla:

1. Trygghet
2. Patriotism
3. Försörjning
4. Bostad
5. Utbildning för barnen

Trygghet och patriotism är två faktorer som delvis kan upphäva varandra. En stark patriotism kan i viss mån uppväga bristen på upplevd trygghet. På samma sätt kan bristande upplevd trygghet kväva allt utom ”den mest brinnande av lågor”. Bara idealisterna flyttar in till ett krig!
Men vi som bott i Kurdistan nyligen vet att situationen där är en helt annan än i övriga Irak. På ett berömvärt sätt har säkerhetsstyrkor och den kurdiska allmänheten hållit terrorismen stången. Kurdistan är ett fredligt mirakel skapat av vaksamhet, umbäranden och fosterlandskärlek.
Som enskilda svenskar och som ideella organisationer kan vi hjälpa kurder att både att återvända till en god situation och till att bidra till sitt hemlands återuppbyggnad. Vi kan bidra vad det gäller att skapa bostäder, arbete och god utbildning för återvändarna.
I en adress till biståndsorganisationer har jag föreslagit en gemensam satsning. Jag tror att vi, genom ett samlat grepp kan åstadkomma en attraktiv paketlösning som ger dessa återvändare en god nystart i det kurdiska samhället.
Uppmuntra era organisationer att delta i detta arbete. Tiden för revirstrider är över, låt oss hjälpas åt i att bygga landet!
Det som händer idag i Kurdistan är unikt. Förnedringens spiral är bruten: en nation reser sig ur spillror, ur förföljelse, förtryck och inbördes strider. När detta sker blir världen fredligare och en bättre plats att bo på. Är detta inte ett värdigt mål att sträva mot?
Jag har föreslagit dessa organisationer att vi ska samarbeta kring ett återvandrarprojekt med någon, kanske Röda Korset/Care4you, som huvudman som fokuserar på att erbjuda hemvändare arbete, bostad och utbildning.
Jag placerar gärna in Alfred Nobelskolan i detta samarbetsprojekt och frågar er därför: Vill ni som organisation och du som enskild vara med och bygga landet?


Rapport till Ministry of Education

Varsågod! En engelsk språkövning!
Detta är en rapport om tillståndet i de Kurdiska skolorna som jag skrev.
Preliminary report 2005-07-21

Dear Sir!
After visiting the Zheen Street Centre and Mahkok Preliminary School, viewing the localities and talking with the staff, I have some preliminary observations that I want to share with you. Let us begin with the school!

Mahkok Preliminary School
The School is situated quite close to Zheen Street Centre. The school has 1400 pupils with some newly built parts. The aged staff is rather well educated and they only lack a teacher in sports. The localities are said to be of normal standard. I still have to look at the rural schools to be able to make any comparison.
I visited a classroom for the 1st class and one for the 2nd. Every class had about 50 pupils. The classrooms broke almost every known guideline for learning and development. It was designed to train the students first and foremost in obedience and silence. All modern research point on class sizes of 15-20 pupils as the optimal at the preliminary school.
There was no possibility to rearrange the benches in smaller groups and no attempt had been made by the teachers to by simple means like curtains split the classroom in several parts.
The classroom and the lack of material did not leave the teacher any other option than talking, talking, talking. It’s the way teaching always has been done and the method is the most cost effective for teaching but not for learning. And as I wrote before it trained the students in other skills but learning.
If you put this unbeneficial structure together with another – the age of the teachers, which is said to be the same all over the country – you have old pedagogy in a room hostile to learning. It’s also a hard lesson for the teacher to learn (some do never learn it) that there is a difference between what he teaches out and what the student takes in and that the fault of lacking learning might be his!
I have of course much to say about this but I will only focus on two different points:

A. How can a learning effective lesson look?
Referring to professor Howard Gardners theories about learning styles (you remember how I quite simply tested your primary learning method) every lesson has to have at least have something to HEAR, to SEE and to DO.
The structure of the lesson (Primary school) shall have the following form. The normal lesson is some 40 minutes:
1. INTRODUCTION. A clear and concise presentation of what the class will learn this lesson, about 1-2 minutes. (Expressed in future form "We shall see that …"
2. INSTRUCTION. Maximum 20 minutes split in blocks of 2-3 minutes with a 10-20 seconds break (for instance a question to the class and a short answer) that reloads the mind for another 2-3 minutes of new learning.
3. APPLY INSTRUCTION. During some 10 minutes the pupils try what they learned in small groups.
4. ANALYSIS. The class is collected again and the teacher asks the students what they learned. Encourage them to free thinking. Treat every thought seriously. Here you immediately recognize the student that thinks one step further. Give it some 5 minutes.
5. CONCLUSION. Almost word by word the same as the introduction but now in imperfect form "We have seen that…"
The school shall be organized for learning. What does that implicate: Of course that all kind of structures shall promote learning! In every single decision concerning school and schooling shall the first question be "What structures promote learning?" And: "What structures promote virtues like creativity and free thinking?"
Many teachers born and working in the old system find it hard to apply teaching but it's not hard at all! Just use your creativity!

Language: Let the students perform a dialogue.
History: Short drama in which they live out what they learned.
Mathematics: Here the proportions of time for instruction and application can differ, depending on were in the learning process you are. Small mathematic competitions between groups in the classroom are always appreciated.
Science: Simple laborations.

B. The structure of the classroom and learning
The structure of the classroom predestines the work form and the results. As I wrote before everything is wrong with the classroom:
a. The rectangular, rigid form created for control.
b. The size of the classes. They ought to be about 1/3.
c. No small group rooms.
d. No visual learning aids.
e. No tactile aids (things to hold, feel and work with.)
f. And I have still not mentioned light and ventilation.

After talking with my colleagues in the Kurdish schools I see the same phenomenon as in Sweden. Teachers are very conservative and unwilling to change. You need a new breed of teachers that are more interested in the students learning than in their teaching.

Some outlines for a change.
Project 1 New School Law
A law of education must be written or an old revised. The law shall not regulate minor details but shall set corner stones and set goals for education. The goals are mandatory and not negotiable but every school district shall have free hands, within given limits to reach the desired goals with whatever means. The board of the school district is personally responsible for pupils and school reaching the goals. The law shall not regulate details since there is an adjacent principle in democracy – every decision must be made as close to the people influenced as possible. (There are laws that must be precise – for instance criminal law – to assure every mans equality in court but this is a civil law.)
A Law Committee must be organized that studies school laws in countries with a well functioning educational system. They shall write a proposal that shall be sent to the Kurdish Parliament for handling. I propose a group of five well respected scholars under the leadership of some senior professor in law. They shall be assisted by translators and secretaries and shall have the mandate to fly in foreign specialists and consultants. The given limit the law shall set is ages of students, number of school days, maximum class sizes, qualifications of teachers and staff, minimum requirements of classroom, hygiene facilities and equipment standard etc. The goals they shall set for education is democracy, equality and tolerance. They shall target religious, sexual, psychological harassment and clearly pronounce religious freedom. I would give them 6 months to form a first proposal. Let's add another six months for revision of the proposal. That would give us an accepted law at October 2006 that comes in effect 1/9 2007. It will be very easy to check if the school fulfils the given frames, as stated above. That can be done without any pedagogical skills but the fulfillment of the goals need a professional eye.

Project 2 The School Building Program
Since the classes in primary school are 3 times too big and classes in secondary school are 2 times too big to function effectively, I propose that the Government launches a School Building Program. Prefabricated concrete elements, made at some central factories, are assembled at spot. Each class has a building unit consisting in a classroom, a group room and a hygiene room.
Stage 1 A survey must be made that maps the needs. A standard school unit is drawn.
Stage 2 Proposals are requested from the big building companies in the world, like SKANSKA. They must employ Kurdish workers that thereby can learn modern building technique.
Stage 3 The local authorities provide a floor with access to running water and electricity.
Stage 4 The school is assembled in hours!
We must form a work group of engineers and some pedagogue that draw the most cost effective, attractive and easily assembled school unit. The economy of the project is monitored by senior economists

Project 3 Form a pedagogical council
A pedagogical council is formed in every district that monitors the pedagogical process, how the school follows the Law of Education. The pedagogical council has a responsibility for children with special needs and drop outs etc. They decide what school form that is most suitable for the child. The council employs also new staff and exercises disciplinary measures towards missconducting staff.
The council consists of head teachers, special teachers, psychologists and social workers. The council will need an administrative staff that handles salaries and so on.

Project 4 Renewing the Teaching Body
The pedagogical institutions in Kurdistan have to be given a modern curriculum and the teaching has to be modified in accordance with the latest achievements and the goals that we set in the ministry. The education of the teachers is a political instrument. It's a powerful tool in transforming of Kurdistan. This new breed of teachers, trained in modern schooling will change the country. I have to meet the minister of education and start talks with him and with the leaders of the pedagogic institution in this important issue. We will of course have to fly in expertise, first to form a curriculum, then to educate the teachers. Forming the teachers is forming youth, forming the youth is forming the future.

Project 5 Founding a pension system for Civil servants
- A generous pension system that gives the teacher passed 60, 75 % of their salary or a one time payment of 75% of 10 years salary. (Normally 30.000 USD). Some aged teachers; keen on continuing can be transferred to the Women Complementary Schooling Project. There their age and social skills can be of a great benefit! A pension fund for civil servants has to be established.
- Project 6 Writing School Books in Kurdish
Develop and print simple Kurdish schoolbooks. Most urgent are the basic subjects like Kurdish, Mathematic, English and History. Books in Mathematics and English are easily translated while the books in Kurdish must be written here. Even History might be an important subject since it's much about giving the pupils knowledge of their roots. Every subject has to have their own group of authors and pedagogues. It's of course beneficial if a person specialized in child psychology joins the group. It must be possible to apply for NGO-money for this!

Project 7 Develop a school library.
It’s a joy to read! Reading improves the pupils' empathy, fantasy and openness of mind. It develops their language skills and gives them a rich wealth of expressions. Every school must have shelf, in the beginning of books. As translations are made and Kurdish authors produce literature of desired qualities the library shall grow. The school district provides the books and the teacher is responsible for the maintenance of the library. Found a school library group of authors, translators and teachers that are responsible for the selection of books.

Project 8 Develop nationwide tests in Kurdish, Mathematic and English.
To be able to compare the results of the schools, classes and pupils, tests have to be molded that measure the quantity (traditional tests) and quality (ability to apply knowledge to a new situation) of knowledge. There are excellent tests and evaluation instruments worldwide that can be studied, modified and applied to our setting.

Project 9 Develop a new system of payment
The teachers are paid partly after years in work, partly after the student's performance in the tests. Teachers performing well – as seen in the improvement of the pupils skills shall be rewarded. The labor organizations are not in favor of such individual salaries but it's highly beneficial for effectiveness of education. The parents shall have freedom to within reasonable distances place their children in a better performing school.
The school it self will get a budget, largely after the number of students but also after general performance of the school.

Project 10 A more effective organization and distribution of responsibilities.
It shall be pronounced in the law of education that the ordinary school is responsible for every one in the ages 6 - 15, no matter if they go in school or not. The school has together with other schools in the district, special resources to handle handicapped students and drop outs in centers like the Zheen Street Centre.
That implicates of course that the Centers will be transferred from the Juvenal Crime Directory (give it the right name in translation!) to the Education ministry. That will give a seamless treatment of each pupil. To be poor and be forced to street peddling is not a crime. It’s a regrettable circumstance that we must address in some way! It might be helpful if families under utterly bad circumstances get a monthly support so they don't have to have the pupil as a bread winner.
The school district must be given measures to handle almost all kinds of students.
In cases of minor criminality, students come under supervision of social authorities. They might be placed to a foster home, or in case of major criminality be transferred to Juvenal Crime Directory. This implicates a development of a social welfare system.

Project 11 Develop democratic structures and methods in school
Democracy is not a natural state. It is something that we have to learn, be trained in and formed by. To solve differences of interests in a democratic manner is a key stone in a prosperous society. A lot of effort is made in the Swedish school to form the student in this manner. Let's look at how it's done there! This is a new subject that has to be taught and practiced in the school of teachers.

Project 12 Improved contacts between school and home
An effective system of contacts between the home and the school has to be developed. In Sweden we use report books that the parents have to sign. Maybe there is a better way here? Methods have to be tested that improve the involvement of the homes in the schooling.

Project 13 Building a model school
To see and to practice is to understand. Founding a pedagogic centre in Hawler with optimal locals, pedagogy, and all material support is highly commendable. Peak competence from all over the world is invited to those centers to improve the Kurdish schools. In those means and methods are tested and evaluated. What ever works will be applied all over Kurdistan. Kurdish teachers are regularly invited to these centers to improve their teaching skills. Teachers willing to improve and showing improved results shall be rewarded.

Project 14 "Adopt a class"
In this project classes in the West are invited to adopt a Kurdish class. They can become pen pals and the adoption class can support with simple means like pen, paper water colors.

Secondary school
Everything is of course applicable to the secondary school with only a few exceptions. First of all, the class sizes can be some 25 pupils, maybe split in genders.

Project 15 Life Skill Centers
Centers like the Zheen Street Center shall be established all over Kurdistan. They shall be connected to 3-4 local schools. They shall not only serve drop outs but also pupils with learning difficulties and different form of smaller impediments. The localities must be very flexible (as the staff) for multipurpose use and built for handicapped.
The commission for the centers has to broaden. They shall be "Life Skill Centers" that that can support the parents with socialization and fostering of the child. The goal is to bring forth well functioning tolerant members of the society.

Project 16 Parental Education
Parents expecting their first child shall be offered parental education. In a simple course they shall learn about basic hygiene, the development of the child, how abuse of different kind affects the whole life and how to make a good home for the child. This might take some years before it's commonly accepted but every life unabused makes it worthwhile. This form of education is a commission for the Health Ministry but serves the same goal, to create happy children and good homes. This part might be supported by NGO.

These are of course my personal views that must daily be revised as I learn to know your society.

Howler 25th of July 2005

Kjell Fors


100 skolbänkar till Kurdistan

Kan någon av er tipsa om en transport av 100 fräscha skolbänkar, stolar och övrig materiel till Hewler? Hör av er på eposten i så fall!


1. Varför startar ni skolan?

  • Det grundläggande syftet är att bedriva utbildning i enlighet med den svenska läroplanen, Lpo-94, i Kurdistan, Irak. Målgruppen är främst svenska kurder i Irak som önskar ge sina barn en svensk utbildning och så hålla dörrarna öppna mot väst. Dessutom välkomnas naturligtvis barn från kurdiska familjer och från nordiska familjer som bor och arbetar i Kurdistan. Denna skola ska genomsyras av den svenska läroplanens och kulturens värdegrund.
  • Det andra huvudsyftet är att verka för en reformation av kurdiskt utbildningsväsende i stort, pedagogik och lärarutbildning. Målet är att genom utbildningen skapa ett öppet samhälle med självständigt tänkande, kreativa medborgare.

2. Hur kommer skolan att vara organiserad?

  • Skolan kommer att vara underställd Skolverkets inspektioner.
  • Skolans styrelse består av dess ägare och adjungerad expertis.
  • Skolan kommer att ha svensk och svensk-kurdisk personal. Samtliga lärare kommer att vara mycket välmeriterade med hög teoretisk och praktisk kompetens. Vi söker de duktigaste!
  • Vi ser gärna att en föräldraförening som tillvaratar familjernas intresse bildas - allt enligt svensk modell.
  • Dessutom kommer en svensk intresseföreing att bildas. I Sverige behöver projektet en stark stödorganisation: Alfred Nobelskolans Intresseförening (ANI):
    Denna förening ska bestå främst av välmeriterade, goda pedagoger med lång erfarenhet. ANI ska vara ANS´s svenska brohuvud som handhar huvuddelen av de svenska kontakterna. Den ska:

    a. Bidra med pedagogiskt stöd till ANS.
    b. Personalrekrytering till ANS.
    c. Sköta ANS:s svenska myndighets- och organisationskontakter.
    d. Samla material och medel till ANS´s verksamhet.

    En god vän, doktorand i pedagogik och passionerad vän till kurderna är vidtalad att organisera intresseföreningen.

3. Hur börjar ni?

  • Vi kommer att börja med två klasser, en i åk 1 och en i åk 2. Totalt börjar vi med 50 elever. Efter det första läsåret sker en utvärdering av verksamheten och eventuell förändring av arbetssätt för att, i den kurdiska kulturen, nå den svenska läroplanens mål. Det betyder att om ni vill ha er första eller andraklassare med från början så måste ni anmäla ert intresse mycket snart. Platserna ser ut att bli fyllda omedelbart! Jag återkommer till frågan om anmälan till skolan senare.

4. Hur får ni in pengar?

  • Vi går in med egna medel och kan i bästa fall ta ut det vi själva satsade om några år. Skolans ekonomi är väl skild från vår privata och revideras varje år. Vi gör det här för våra flickor och för landets framtid. Skolans överskott kommer att investeras i skolans verksamhet.
  • Men för att klara löner, lokalkostnader och materiel måste vi ta ut en avgift av eleverna. Föräldrarna betalar antingen 200 dollar/ månad eller 2.000/år ( i sådana fall blir det bara 180 dollar/månad). Denna summa kan dock bli lägre! De elever som är svenska medborgare är berättigade till statsbidrag. Hur mycket det kommer att betyda för den enskilde eleven ber jag att få återkomma till.